
Jared Tailfeathers

Jared (Uncle Jerry) Tailfeathers is a multidisciplinary Blackfoot artist, musician and storyteller. His interest in storytelling has been a main focus in all the art forms and projects he works on. Comic books and graphic novels were the first art forms that he actively loved and identified with. His own graphic novels are unique, the artwork is all hand painted, and the story is mostly told through the action and character interaction of the scenes. The written narrative is there to help propel the visual story, rather than, like most stories the art informs and propels the writing. Spite is the first of many upcoming graphic novels.

Jared has been in Indigenous arts and culture since he graduated from the Alberta College of Art and Design. He is a member of The Tens Only Collective, a group of artists that work on projects together under multi-media high concept ideas, including; music, interactive installations, visual arts, film and performance.