I Welcome (& Warn) New Citizens
Cuzzin, a couple times a month, I give a three minute speech to new citizens, as part of the IRCC Citizenship Ceremony. It's the final leg of becoming a citizen of this country …

I Am A Lone Blackfoot In Unceded Mi'kmaq Territory
Cuzzin, I used to write articles for magazines and such, but I quit a while back (I felt too tokenized). Take a look at the last article I wrote - for The FOLD, an architectural group in Calgary. I know nothing of architecture and design, so I found it interesting they approached me …

I Was Saved By A Maritime Angel
Geeeez cuzzin, reminiscing on these past few years, May 2021 was right rough for your Blackfoot Bro. It was my lowest point. My rockiest bottom. I was locked in perpetual hindsight …

I Used To Steal From Colonizers
When I was but a wee lad I had this wee problem – stealing from colonizers … well, maybe it wasn’t so much a problem, maybe it was my wee way of taking back Turtle Island, one wee theft at a time ...

I Am A New Member of the Worst Club
Man, cuzzins, I have had quite the colonial medicine month. Oh %$#@&, before I continue, ya best put the kids to sleep first or put a big screen in front of their beautiful little faces, ‘cause O’mahk’siik’iimi is ‘bout to elaborate like I’ve never elaborated before …

I Was Almost Famous
Cuzzin, this one time, Barbara Hershey saved a Blackfoot Hershey Squirt (me). I’m filming “The Last of the Dogmen” in Canmore, AB. I’m an Archaeologist, and there’s this one scene where I had to carry a bunch of stone artifacts and put them on a table …

I Used To Live In My Car
Geez you know cuzzin, me and my ‘03 War Pony, she and I have been all over Turtle Island - 423 reservations, 48 states, every province, the territories, Mexico too! “Daheck is Turtle Island?” some clueless colonizer interrupts …

I Took My White Ex-Wife To The Rez, Chaos Ensued
My ex-wife is white and the first time I brought her to the rez is pretty crazy. We had to get our newborn son Teeias registered at tribal membership …

I Survived On Borscht & Bannock For A Year
I was 14 and just had to leave that #@$%& Blood rez, so I moved to auntie’s house in Calgary. Three hours on a Greyhound, I arrived in the city of dreams - flooded with smog, cabs and limousines ...

I Was Raised With Wise Spoken Words
It’s 4:45am. Grandma is at my door. “A good ndn is always up before the sun”, she gently whispers, in Blackfoot. I think I’m still dreaming
It’s 4:52am. Grandma is standing by my bed, lovingly taunting me, in Blackfoot, to get up already, with a bucket of ice cold water. “NII’TAA’KIIT, O’MAHK’SIIK’IIMI” (Hurry up) …

Yayay, It’s My Birthday!
Go go go, cuzzin, it’s my birthday! We’re gonna party like it’s my birthday. Sippin’ on some Mint tea ‘cause it’s my birthday … or however it goes (lol). Every year on this special day there is an event like no other. Much more than just my lowly birthday - check this out - January 28th is actually three birthday …