I Met Some Amazing Mi’kmaq

Cuzzin, a funny thing happened on the way to Cabot Trail ...

I stop in at Skye Mountain Pizza on We'koqma'q First Nation in the paradise Cape Breton, Mi'kmaki, cause I’m all about supporting our own, yo.

I’ve never been to We'koqma'q or Skye Mountain Pizza, I walk in.

Daughter of owner, Amber Bernard, who I have never met, and is actually a reporter for APTN (Google her, she is awesome!), says: "Heeeeey, you're Jason EagleSpeaker, aren’t you? Hey mom, this guy is Facebook famous and rez famous, lol, and he publishes cool books!"

Me, kinda scared: "Maybe?"

Owner Tina Bernard, calling her whole family over (the pizza place is a cool kitchen shed in their yard) says: "Oh cool, we all follow you! Order whatever you want, it’s free for you, as long as you take a picture with us!"

ME, in disbelief: “FOR REAL?!? Dang, ummm, I don’t know what to say. How ‘bout … ‘gimme an 18 inch meat lovers with extra moose meat and four lobst-uh rolls, eh, cuzzins?"

Owner, giggling: "It would be an honor to cook for Jason EagleSpeaker, come back in 25 minutes"

I come back in 24 minutes.

Owner, whole family is there: "Come in, come in"

They tell me how they donate meals to local non-Native families that lost their jobs when a local company shut down. Every day, they draw a name and that family wins a huge meal.

They take pictures with me, give me a giant pizza and soda pops, I almost start to cry as I tell them how proud I am of them. Families like the Bernards are what make Nova Scotia a true paradise. They are living proof there is no excuse. They offer me a place to stay next time I am in town.

We continue our journey.

As we drive towards the world famous Cabot Trail, my estranged dad (visiting from Seattle) - who doesn’t really follow my career, has never acknowledged anything I do (or read any of my books) - he was totally freaking out, lol.

Tears in his eyes, my dad goes: “Wow, I had no idea, son. Ya’ know, those Bernards didn’t give me a free pizza, they gave you a free pizza, because of the impact you had on their lives. You really affect people, coast to coast, north to south, all over Turtle Island, don’t you? … and here I am, your own dad, and I’ve never read one goddamn book of yours … that changes today, son, I’ve been so wrong. I’m sorry for doubting you.”

I cry happy tears and we continue our journey.


I Fought Mike Tyson … And Won


I Ran The WWF Off My Rez